You Twitt[erer]!

The backlash against Twitter over its addition of a native photo-sharing component is crap, and must cease immediately. No, I’m not a free-speech hating nutjob… but anyone who is still angry over the move by Twitter [ie TwitPic founder Noah Everett] is missing the big picture, and misdirecting their anger. Here’s the bottom line: you …

Update: I’m A Really Big Fan of Twitter.

In an article earlier this year, I stated that I wasn’t really a fan of Twitter because it sucked up a ridiculous amount of my time. Well, it still does… but now I love Twitter quite dearly. The brand-building and networking opportunities that it’s provided since I started (in May of this year) have been …

The Behaviour Modification Properties of Social Media

Sounds very Orwellian, doesn’t it? I just read an article on Mashable about the upcoming release of Foursquare 3.0.  In the past, I’ve dismissed Foursquare as a rather childish social media service, only hitting the social proof concept in a very fringe manner that’s not really all that useful for marketing purposes. Foursquare 3.0 will …