Metrics, Metrics, Metrics.

Data rules, guessing drools. If you’re using social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook (or… shudder… Google+) for professional purposes, you need to get a handle on what works and what doesn’t. First, what are you trying to do? Attract followers/fans? Improve click through rates? Gauge your social reach? You should be doing all of …

Facebook Pages: Where’s the Value?

Simple answer: everywhere. Musicians, filmmakers, celebrities, politicians, photographers… Facebook pages help add value to their brands by enabling the brand to be a conversation, instead of a presentation. But just how well is that concept leveraged by business in their communications process? How does a business or brand use Facebook pages to actually carry out …

Privacy: What is it, Why does it matter?

This article is written from my perspective (one of the oldest of the Gen-Y’ers)- and I’m sure that members of other generations will have different views on privacy based on collective and individualized experience. Gen X’ers and Boomers as a whole tend to to be more cognizant of personal privacy issues, while Millenials (as a …