Tag: Foursquare

  • Privacy: What is it, Why does it matter?

    This article is written from my perspective (one of the oldest of the Gen-Y’ers)- and I’m sure that members of other generations will have different views on privacy based on collective and individualized experience. Gen X’ers and Boomers as a whole tend to to be more cognizant of personal privacy issues, while Millenials (as a…

  • The Behaviour Modification Properties of Social Media

    Sounds very Orwellian, doesn’t it? I just read an article on Mashable about the upcoming release of Foursquare 3.0.  In the past, I’ve dismissed Foursquare as a rather childish social media service, only hitting the social proof concept in a very fringe manner that’s not really all that useful for marketing purposes. Foursquare 3.0 will…